CREATE in Johnstone

CREATE in Johnstone is a programme of high quality and free youth work opportunities, arts workshops, drop ins and more for young people in Johnstone and surrounding areas in partnership with Active Communities.

Join us

Games and Grub

Tuesdays 3-5pm at Station Seven, 7 Quarry Street, PA58DY

Food and activities for Young People P5-7 with Soup/ Hot drinks available for parents and guardians. This group is led by Active Communities with support from the Create team.

Create Club

Thursday 4-6pm at Station Seven, 7 Quarry Street, PA58DY

A weekly after-school club offering a variety of creative activities, as well as refreshments, games and a space to unwind after school. This group also has a film club focus, so we provide either a new activity each week or support the young people with their independent projects. We also have visiting facilitators who run creative workshops.